Your Firecrest team are:
Mrs Berry (Teacher) - Thur & Fri
Ms Mitchell (Teacher) - Mon, Tue, Wed
Liane Garcia (Teaching Assistant) - Wednesday, Thur & Fri
Kayleigh Darker - (Teaching Assistant) - Mon & Tues
Naomi Carr (Teaching Assistant & Learning Support Assistant ) - Tuesday -Thursday
Please check back to this page regularly to check out what your child has been up to.
Home Learning 2024/25
Your teacher will post Home Learning to this section of the website each week.
Activities in Firecrest class 2024/25
Your class teacher will update this page at least once per term with photos and information on recent events or activities.
The Owl The Came For Christmas
Get Fit with the Fun Bunch - our phonics review read this week.
How to Catch a Star
Repeating Patterns +=*+=*+=*
October independent writing......
Forest School 10th October
We are learning to be writers!
end of September in Firecrest...
Family Learning - our hopes and dreams
Our first few days in Firecrest
Settling in….. We are playing lots of name games, using children’s names at every opportunity and modelling names to the children when they are playing together. Lots to learn including new friends in Goldcrest too!
The children are starting to get into the routines of the day. We are working on listening to instructions and tidying up together! Please remember to bring book bags every day.
This week we were invited to see year 6 test their electric vehicles. We went down to the astro and watched their race! Afterwards we played together on the field, it’s BIG! We also explored the school grounds – walking r i g h t to the end of the field!
Activities in Firecrest class 2023/24
Your class teacher will update this page at least once per term with photos and information on recent events or activities.
Open Evening
College Lake recount
Summer 2 - new display and reduce, reuse, recycle
Family Learning shared pictures
Jack and the Incredibly Meanstalk
Forest School - pond dipping and life cycles
Jack and the Beanstalk
We are printmakers!
Spring 2 update
Mothering Sunday
Spring 2 - look at our books we made over 1/2 term!
Happy Lunar New Year
We have been learning about the celebrations of Lunar New Year this week. We acted out and wrote about the story of the Great Race. We've made drums and chopped up yummy vegetables for our stir fry.
Gung Hay Fat Choi!
Nocturnal Animals & Owl Babies
Volcano Fun!
We have loved learning all about volcanoes this week. We talked about how volcanoes can be active, dormant or extinct and what this means. We used maps to look at some of the many volcanoes around the world and the children could choose to make their own volcano with plaster of paris moulds and paint them. They also could have a go at an 'exploding' volcano experiment. We had lots of fun!
Happy New Year!
We have been using the book ‘Tom and the Island of Dinosaurs’ by Ian Beck for our learning this week. We learnt the rules for using powder paint to make the background, wrote our own adventure ideas for what we could see on the island and even did some fossil hunting. Watch out for the volcano!
Traditions and celebrations.....
We are learning to:
- Understand that some places are special to members of our community.
- Recognise that people have different beliefs and celebrate special times in different ways.
We went to the pantomime - oh yes we did!
Thank you for all the beautiful snowflakes for the Christmas tree.
Mince pies and melting!
We hope that you all enjoyed the long weekend. This week we ‘read’ the Snowman – a book with no words! We made snow people with PVA and shaving foam and wrote descriptive sentences to describe our melty snow people. Inspired by the children we have been exploring ‘melting’ and discovering what makes things melt quicker or slower. The chilly weather at the end of the week really supported our experiments in the meadow! The children were also very keen to do some ‘baking’ too, so we made our own mathematical mince pies! We used our developing phonics skills to read the start of the instructions peel, mix, unroll, cut, put, spoon, top and cook. We shared our baking with the children in Goldcrest class. Our role play area is evolving into a cafe and the children have been taking orders and role playing being the customers. We have added a Christmas tree for them to decorate next week too. This week we have also played with numbers - we have played games, counted on, counted back and matched quantities to numerals and explored different ways of representing numbers. A busy week. Singing. rehearsing, performing. Well done Firecrest children!
Fireworks and Outside Learning Day
Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper
This week we have been enjoying the story of Pumpkin soup. We made our own pumpkin soup books and used our sounds to write the three animals - a cat, duck and squirrel. We learnt how to mix colours to make orange and green for our pumpkins - "it's magic" the children said. Finally, we all helped to cook our own pumpkin soup by peeling, washing, cutting, mixing and finally eating. Great job Firecrest for the yummy soup!
NO DINNER! by Jessica Souhami
Working with a partner we have drawn story maps of our focus book NO DINNER! This was our independent task and we used HUGE sheets of paper on the floor! We thought about the characters in the story and the sequence of events........
Autumn Walk with our book 'Tidy' by Emily Gravett
We have been enjoying the book 'Tidy' by Emily Gravett this week and used our beautiful grounds to go and explore the many trees we have. We used a tree identification sheet and did our best to find as many as we could. We also could make leaf wands and Autumn tree painting.
Family Learning collated September 2023 Thank you!
Tree House Visit
We keep looking out of the window in Firecrest and seeing the beautiful new treehouse. So we took our learning over there, using our story this week, 'Dear Zoo' by Rod Campbell, to discover more about animals and play some games. We had great fun!
Firecrest WB 5.9.23 Hello and welcome to a new term at Bridgewater School. Our first week in Reception is a transition week and the children are coming into school in smaller groups and exploring our learning spaces. A lovely 'softer' start to the new school year. It's been hot! We are learning new names, new routines and new friends. We've even had a birthday with gifted fruit to share and a new class book. Thank you
Welcome to a new school year 23/24
Fire Fighters Visit
We were so lucky to have a visit from the firefighters who showed us all the amazing things they use to keep themselves safe and help rescue people and animals. We loved it!
Our beautiful butterflies
We all went out to release and watch our beautiful butterflies fly away into the meadow.
Walk to School Fun
We went on a nature hunt on Walk to School Day and used our senses to explore the beautiful area we live in. We named trees, plants and minibeasts, guessed the age of some of the trees, searched for bees, smelled the flowers, touched the grass, gazed up in the sky and had a lot of fun along the way!
Summer fun!
Random Act of Kindness Week (RAK)
We have loved being part of RAK week and meeting different classes to share our kindness!
We read the story 'Kind' by Alison Green and shared ways that we are kind to our friends, families and teachers. We made yummy biscuits to share with Partridge Class (Year 5) and took along one our favourite books from home to share. We also made 'seed cakes' to put in the earth for Year 5 to take home with them.
Year 6 shared kindness with us by playing on the field with games that they had made up. There was endless rolling and running to wear everyone out.
Thank you to everyone for the fun!
Art Week .
Forest School
Pancake Day
We had lots of fun celebrating pancake day. Firstly we read Mr Wolf's Pancakes by Jan Fearnley before making our own batch of pancakes to eat. We went outside to try pancake flipping - we discovered it's hard! Finally, we found some giant pancakes to roll down the hill with the deer watching on. It was brilliant fun!
Happy Australia Day!
We have had such a fun week learning about the many different animals that are found in Australia. Have you ever heard of an echidna or quorkka before? Well, we learnt all about them - plus the red back spider and many more! We wrote facts about an animal, made our own boomerangs with Aboriginal art patterns and created a feast for our Australia Day fun!
Here are some pictures of our creations - lamingtons (deliciously made for us to enjoy), Anzac cookies, pavlova and don't forget the vegemite sandwiches.
We came dressed up ready for our holiday to Australia, went through baggage control and took a plane ride all the way to Australia (stopping off at Singapore on the way!)
We're sure to have jet lag for the rest of the week.
Thank you for making it so fun Firecrest.
This is the Bear and the Scary night
Christmas Fun!
"It's beginning to look a like like Christmas!"
We've had a very Christmasssy week with the touring Pantomime show, Year 2's Nativity Play, Christmas Lunch, making yummy mince pies and don't forget the fun in the snow!
During our Forest School session we went for a walk in the winter sunshine along the edge of the school field. We shared ideas about why the snow had melted in some spaces, ideas included that the trees had stopped the snow falling and that the sun had melted it. To help the animals to find food we shared apples, carrots, bird seed and even mince pies along our walk. We hid them in the hedgerow. We counted seventeen deer!
ODD DOG - Anti-bullying week
St Martin's Celebrations
A big thank you to Imi - Benji's Mum for coming in and sharing with us the German tradition of St Martin's Day. The children heard and acted out the story of St Martin, learnt some new German words and made their own lanterns. We ended the day with a yummy German biscuit too.