Requesting planned time off (incl. for medical appointments)
In common with other local authority primary schools, children at Bridgewater can only take time off in the school year in exceptional circumstances. Permission must be obtained from the Headteacher well in advance (usually with no less than three weeks' notice). This includes requesting time off for hospital appointments and any other absences.
The form on which to seek the Headteacher's permission for a term time absence can be found here
For medical appointments we will ask for medical evidence of the appointment. This could be:
- An appointment card or letter with the date and name visible
- A letter from a medical professional
- An appointment reminder.
We will accept any of the above evidence as a hard copy or emailed (screen shot or scan) to
Parents should be aware that if they do not seek approval in advance, they may be subject to a fine from the Local Authority in accordance with its guidance (no matter how good a child's attendance has otherwise been). While we hope that will never be necessary, it is a real possibility if parents do not comply with the school's attendance policy.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.