Year 4
Welcome to Year 4 from Mrs George, Key Stage 2 Phase Lead
Welcome to the Year 4 class page where you can find useful information about what to expect this year.
Forest school rotations are updated each half term and the Parent Handbook (below) contains specific information for this year with details of the daily routines, year 4 curriculum, uniform and PE days. For more detailed curriculum information for year 4 click here. To find out more about knowledge organisers for year 4 click here.
I hope it will be an exciting year where the Year 4 children continue to learn, develop their skills and have fun. If you have any questions please talk to the Year 4 class teachers.
Forest School
Year 4 attend Forest School on a Monday in their houses, on a 3 week rotation. For more information about Forest School visit our Forest School page here. To view the latest Forest School timetable click here.
School uniform
Information on our school uniform can be viewed by clicking here. Specific things to note for year 4 are they require a Bridgewater rucksack and trainers, not plimsolls. Please keep a pair of wellies and waterproofs at school as we're often out in all weathers.
Pupils in year 4 who represent the school in sports matches such as cross country, etc may wear 'Team Bridgewater' kit. This is all optional and available from Mapac.
Use of reading record books
Reading record books are to be used to record reading at home and this should include the book title and chapter, or page numbers and should be recorded at least 3 times a week and initialled by parents. Reading records need to be signed by parents at the end of each week ready for the teacher to review.
Reading records may also be used for notifying us of changes of going home arrangements etc. Alternatively, you can email or leave a message on the school's answer machine.
Home learning
As well as reading, your child will also receive weekly home learning (spelling and times table task) which is expected to take around 20 mins. Plus daily practise of year 4 spellings.
Year 4 Correspondance
Most information is sent to parents & carers through our online parent comms system, Arbor. To find a copy of letters sent to year 4, please click here.
For our half termly Class Newsletters, please click here.
Please click on your child's class below to meet the team and see what they've been getting up to.