Welcome from our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Phase Lead, Maura Patterson
Welcome to Bridgewater School Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). At Bridgewater School our EYFS learning opportunities are carefully planned to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum. We seek to promote the development of skills across all areas of learning, both inside and outside. Our staff team are skilled at assessing children's individual needs and interests to plan challenging and unique experiences to ignite their curiosity and offer stretch and challenge!
We know that you, as parents and carers, are children's primary educators and it's important to us that we work in close partnership to ensure the best outcomes for your child. We will regularly share information with you to develop this partnership through weekly family learning. Your engagement will be a positive opportunity to build home/school links. We look forward to working together.
Your morning Nursery team are:
Mrs Maura Patterson (Teacher Tues to Friday)
Marianne Cresswell (Teacher Monday)
Liane Garcia (Teaching Assistant - Tuesday)
Sarah Hubbard (Teaching Assistant - Wednesday,Thursday & Friday)
Ana Marsh (Teaching Assistant - Monday )
Claire Pearce (Teaching Assistant - Monday - Friday)
Your afternoon Rialize team are:
Jane Barker (Teaching Assistant)
Jo Maunders (Teaching Assistant)
Claire Pearce (Teaching Assistant)
Suzanne Whiter-Huhn (Teaching Assistant)
Lily Dixon (Teaching Assistant)
Clislaine Santos-Lukeman (Teaching Assistant)
Parents' Handbook
See below for a copy of the welcome booklet for Nursery. Please refer to it throughout the year because it contains lots of useful information about what to expect in this class.
Forest School
Takes place on a Monday morning and a Tuesday afternoon. To find out more about Forest School click here.
School uniform
Information on our school uniform can be viewed by clicking here. Nursery children are not expected to wear the full uniform, but we would like them to dress practically and we know that they will want to identify with Bridgewater as their school. Therefore the nursery uniform consists of navy blue jogging bottoms or shorts, a white polo shirt and the school sweatshirt or cardigan.
Nursery children don't require any PE kit, they simply take off their shoes and socks for PE.
Home Learning
Our Nursery children will have a Family Learning book. This will be returned to school each Wednesday please and will be sent home on a Friday. We will send home a weekly update on learning themes and may suggest family activities to support learning in school, suggest resources to collect or a question to ponder. These tasks will be fun and engaging - however they are not compulsory, but when you complete them, please make a note in your Family Learning book so we can see all the great things you are doing! Please also use this book to share those “WOW” moments at home, your own observations and feedback are invaluable to build a holistic view of your child’s development. We will also send a form home every half term so that you can tell us any relevant information.
Nursery Correspondence
We use Arbor as our online parent and carers communications system. We will send you information about key dates, school events and any other relevant information. For details of how to download the Arbor app and how to set up your account, please use the step by step guide below. Please ensure you set up your account prior to September.
To find a copy of letters sent to Nusery please click here.
Please click on the gallery below to view events and activities from nursery class 2022/23.