Our Walking Bus
Our walking bus had to stop during COVID, but the Travel Group will be exploring how we can reinstate this, in 2025.
What is a Walking Bus and how does it work?
A Walking Bus is a supervised group of children walking to school. It is made up of at least two adult volunteers, who are DBS checked and act as a ‘driver’ and a ‘conductor’ to escort the children. The ratio of adults to children is 1:6, so we have a maximum of 12 pupils per bus route. All children from Reception to Year 6 can join the Walking Bus (children in Nursery must be accompanied by a parent or carer). All children must sign up to the Walking Bus in advance - you can't just turn up on the day. Adults and children all wear high-visibility waistcoats. The Bus follows a set route (approved by Hertfordshire County Council – we cannot deviate from the agreed routes) and ‘walks’ to a published timetable.
We hope that the Walking Bus will benefit children, parents and the local community by:
• Improving pedestrian and road safety skills
• Promoting healthy exercise
• Saving time and fuel costs for parents
• Developing children’s independence and social skills
• Reducing traffic congestion and parking issues around schools