Pupil Premium & Recovery Premium
Pupil Premium is a grant given to schools to be spent on ensuring that pupils that are or have previously been in receipt of free school meals (FSM), those that are or have been in local authority care and children of those working in the services make good progress in their learning.
Progress of all pupils is carefully tracked and regular, half termly pupil progress meetings inform our decision making about mapping provision to need accordingly. At Bridgewater barriers to learning often link to specific learning difficulties but also sometimes to social and emotional wellbeing.
Funding is spent on the core areas of English and Maths through delivering targeted interventions to accelerate children’s progress and some of the funding is prioritised to help children to manage their feelings and behaviour so they are in the right place to learn. Funding is also used to ensure that the children benefit from the rich extra-curricular opportunities on offer to our children. Pupil Progress meetings monitor and track all children’s progress and measure the impact of additional provision.
Below you'll find the policy governing how the Pupil Premium is used at Bridgewater Primary and the plans for how the money will be used during the current academic year.