Our Travel Group
If you'd like to know more or might be interested in helping with our travel initiatives, please email us at admin@bridgewater.herts.sch.uk.
Current Travel Group Members:
Governor representative: Chris Stewart
Resident representative: Rosemary North
Staff representatives: Andrea Bettridge (Headteacher), Becky Brown (Teacher) and Rachel Skelding (Admin Assistant)
Parent representatives: Germaine Evans, Angelika Goff, Senem Gumussoy and Mary Wessel
Pupil representatives: The Eco Council (representatives from each year group from Y1 upwards)
We have lots of events and campaigns to encourage pupils and staff to walk, scoot or cycle whenever possible. Where this is not possible, we encourage families to "park and stride", car share and park safely and considerately - importantly, Don't be a Road Monster!