Maths intent
At Bridgewater, our aim is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that equips them for today and tomorrow.
In accordance with the objectives set out by the national curriculum, we aim to provide pupils with a deep understanding of Mathematics which prepares them for secondary education and beyond.
We believe that Maths should be taught through a mastery approach. This will enable children to:
- learn the facts and techniques that they will need to study the subject further and for everyday life;
- think logically, to prove/disprove;
- solve problems using the most appropriate method;
- reach the highest standard possible and to think independently within the subject;
- be creative and imaginative;
- be confident to talk about their work;
- be confident to work mentally;
- have secure numeracy skills;
- keep up with and potentially exceed the age-related expectations for their year group.
We believe that our cyclical curriculum structure enables teachers to:
- plan lessons which are accessible to all pupils;
- break learning into small, manageable steps;
- provide opportunities to reason in full sentences;
- take children on a CPA journey;
- deepen understanding rather than accelerate onto new content;
- use precise mathematical language where appropriate;
- show children the connections between different aspects of Maths.