WOW day 9.3.23
Swallow class enjoyed a fun filled WOW day. They took part in two Mad Science workshops. The first workshop was all about weather. We learned about how the Earth is titled, how that helps to create the seasons and that when the Earth is closer to the sun it is summer. We made a weather rocket and found out how wind is created. We also learned that on a low pressure day we have clouds containing water droplets. The water droplets are then squeezed together and fall down and this is rain - precipitation. We also did an experiment to find out how much water clouds can hold. The most exciting part of the workshop was when we rubbed our hands together to create friction which is similar to what happens when there is lightening. Finally we made a tornado!!
The second workshop was about materials. We carried out an experiment about density, built boats and tested how much they weight they would hold. We also made bouncy balls out of rubber. We have a great day and learned lots of new and exciting things.